Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Book Review: Reached by Ally Condie

I’m back! I know it’s been ages, but I really haven’t had much time during the last couple of weeks. I just wanted to let you guys know I finished Reached by Ally Condie, which is the third book in the Matched trilogy. Check out this link for a review of the first two books in the series on my blog!

I finished reading „Reached“ last night and I haven’t really had time to figure out how much I liked this book. Maybe at the end of this review I can tell you. It’s just that A LOT happens in it!

Source: Goodreads



The book starts a few months after the end of Crossed. Cassia is working as a sorter in Central, Xander is a medic in Camas Province (I think. I’m not good at remembering all the different provinces and cities), and Ky is training to be a pilot for the Rising.
More and more people get a mysterious sickness, called the “Plague” that only the Rising has a cure for. So when the situation gets out of control because too many people are infected, the Rising takes over the Society and starts healing the sick. But nobody expected a mutation of the Plague that nobody has found a cure for and that ends deadly…

 My Thoughts:

 Where should I start? Which the things I liked, I guess. Please, if you haven’t read the book yet, DON’T continue reading. There will be spoilers!

1.     I’m really satisfied with the ending: Ky and Cassia are meant to be together. But I’m beyond happy for Xander. At the beginning of the book I thought it could be Indie, because in Crossed she always looks at Xander’s microcard. And I’d never have expected it to be Laney, I never suspected she could be alive. So that was a really pleasant surprise.

2.     Character development. Again. The characters went through so much in Crossed, and now, at the end of Matched they have become adults. In my opinion Xander changed the most, working with the Still at the medical centers, falling in love with Lei. Plus, he’s such a good person! He’d do anything for his friends, and he’s so happy for Cassia and Ky.

3.     The ending. At the end everyone who is older than 17 could vote for the Society, the Rising, or for Anna, who stands for something entirely new: A kind of democratic system. I think the vote is described beautifully in the book; it’s something totally unknown to the people in the Society. I loved the moment when they’re in the mountains and Cassia explains how strange and unknown, but beautiful having a choice is.
  Because that’s kind of what Reached is all about: How having a choice is a gift. Cassia’s grandfather gave Cassia the choice which poems to follow, or not to follow any of them at all. Cassia’s father decided not to. Cassia did.

4.     I wouldn’t call it fast-paced, because it really wasn’t in my opinion. But it still made me keep reading, because it was INTERESTING. I had to know what the ending was like so it was a really quick read for me. (Which makes me think of “The Casual Vacancy”. I’m still stuck at page 130. It’s just not interesting to me).

Reached was really good, but it could have been a little better. What I didn’t like as much:

1.     I think too much of the book was about the Plague and about finding a cure for it. 

2.     I’m a sucker for romance. Except for a few scenes at the end there was hardly any romance at all in this book… Which is because the character weren’t together until like the middle of the book. But still, I love Ky and Cassia together, and I would have enjoyed a few more conversations between the two of them.

3.     Sudden deaths! SPOILER ALERT! Seriously? Indie? Cassia’s dad? I was okay with Oker, his death made sense and made the story a lot more exciting. But Indie was one of my favorite characters, I feel like there is so much about her that we didn’t find out, and never will. 

4.     Unanswered Questions. Yes, I know that’s normal, it happens every time a book series is over: there are questions. Why could Cassia walk through the blue tablet? Why can she remember some things that happened after she took the red? Does is have to do with her never taking the green? Do the Otherlands really exist? Why has nobody ever come back? Where are Ky’s aunt and uncle?


Plot: 4/5
Language: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Overall: 4,5/5

Author: Ally Condie
Publisher: Dutton Juvenile
Publication Date: November 13 2012
Genre: Young Adult / Dystopian
Pages: 384 (Hardcover)
Get it on Amazon:  (Available as: Hardcover, Kindle, Audio book)

Have you read Reached yet? What did you like or dislike about it? Please tell me in the comments!


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